ACTION ITEM: Just when we thought we’d finished all the local events, MARIN MAGAZINE has launched their BEST OF for 2022. We’d love your support on this one, and it’s SUPER SIMPLE and FAST. Seriously… so easy. JUST CLICK HERE, Scroll Down to #30 and select Creekside, and then scroll to #31 and enter “Creekside Pizza & Taproom, San Anslemo” as a write-in for Best Pizza in the Bay Area… and then if you like, go to bottom and Submit, or, do our other local San Anselmo and Marin restaurants, services and merchants a solid and spend a few minutes with the entire Marin Magazine Best Of County 2022 Survey; you can find all the categories (Arts, Dining, Fashion, Education, Beauty, Fitness, etc) LISTED HERE
Thank You for investing your time to vote for local businesses. We appreciate your support. VOTE TODAY (Poll ends May 20th, 2022).